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Until next year Newburgh...

It's hard to believe the fair was in full swing this time last week; exhibitors, customers, glasses of wine, Damson Tree cocktails and mince pies floating around, Queen Mary's School Choir singing their hearts out and a blanket of snow! It was a very festive atmosphere to say the least! Although, as lovely as it was to look so festive, sadly, it did warn off fair goer's. However, the fair managed to raise £877.44 for juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The amount is not as much as hoped but not too bad considering the circumstances. On the upside, I have never experienced such happy exhibitors as I did last week; what a wonderful, creative and talented group of people. The customers were just as cheery and I whole heartedly thank them for braving the inclement weather.... see below!

It's not always easy being a one man band and I would particularly like to thank Your-Marquee for their unbelievably generous support in supplying the generator and tables for the event. Savills for sponsorship and the goodie bags. Edward Bulmer for treking up to Yorkshire to give a stimulating talk on colour in the home. Liz Druce of the Ginger Bread House for coping with 17 children assembling and decorating their ginger bread houses (brave woman!). Kind, lovely journalists whom I'm so grateful for mentioning the fair in their various publications.

I am a very lucky girl to be able to host a fair at Newburgh Priory, a truly untouched and spectacular historic home. None of this would have been possible without the kind-hearted Stephen Wombwell, owner of Newburgh Priory and father of Nonie, who sufferers from juvenile arthritis. Paul Robson, Stephen's right hand man is a saint and always there when one needs a helping hand, be it lighting fires or setting up a projector! And lastly, Lady Wombwell for her magnificent flower arranging - it was like tinker bell had sprinkled fairy dust over the Priory - every room had a beautiful flower display!

I am so looking forward to the Newburgh Priory Christmas Fair 2018, where I aim to raise at least double, if not triple of the amount raised this year. I already have my feelers out for new blood in the form of exhibitors and events... as they say, watch this space!

Georgie x

ps. if you are wondering where to get your Christmas tree, pop along to Newburgh; the Christmas trees and shop are open daily and provide a very helpful service!

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